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Gorilla vs Yeti

A territorial dispute involving coconuts, bananas, and multiplication tables.

I assure you with this game your kids will learn the multiplication tables without a fuss! And you will too, because this is a game for the whole family to participate in.


Yeti went down to the jungle, as something was happening on his snowy mountain. Gorilla, who is very territorial and called himself the jungle boss, didn't like the idea and wanted to expel Yeti. Both went into a fight.


Two players face off in a jungle fight. In this place, there are coconuts and bananas. You can throw coconuts at your opponent, and take bananas to recover your energy. You can also jump and move to dodge the opponent's coconuts.

But both coconuts and bananas are only available to you if you correctly perform some math operations.

The screen shows controls for moving and throwing coconuts, and for typing the result of the operations.

In addition to coconuts and bananas, snails and hedgehogs randomly appear. These are dangerous and if you touch them they subtract life. However, if you jump on them, you earn points. Points are important in case you choose a time-limited game. Whoever gets the highest score will be the winner. Additionally, each player has a wolf in their corner, so your corner is your safe place.

On the initial screen, you can select which multiplication table each player can use. If you choose one of the first tables, you will get fewer coconuts and bananas. It's best to learn the tables and use the more difficult ones.


The game is designed for the family, for siblings, friends, parents. In addition to the controls on the screen, you can connect other phones as a remote control. The remote control is the most fun. On the initial screen, there is the option to connect it. Any smartphone should work and only needs a browser (like Google Chrome).


Our latest game: Gorilla vs Yeti


New version of Gorilla vs Yeti comes with new characters and game-play.

Gorilla vs Yeti - New characters - New gameplay